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Working for a Better, Safer, More Affordable Annapolis.

I love Annapolis, but we are facing a lot of tough issues. Please join me in this people-powered campaign. Working together as neighbors, we can change our city for the better.”

Candidate signature


Fighting for Our Community

A real plan for a better Annapolis...

Take action NOW to stop flooding at City Dock

Fiscal responsibility with NO tax hikes

Make Annapolis safer, and support our cops

Address Fire/Rescue staffing stresses

Fix the parking problems downtown

Support our small shops and local restaurants

A more customer-friendly City Hall

news & PRESS

Latest Campaign News


Alderman Huntley voted to fine businesses $1,000 if they give you a free paper bag

Alderman Harry Huntley voted FOR the proposed city ordinance to penalize businesses with a $1,000 fine if they fail to make you pay ten cents for every paper bag you need for your purchases.


Capital Gazette

Alderman Huntley wants to ban pharmacy, bank and restaurant drive-thrus in Annapolis

"The Annapolis City Council heard testimony Monday night on proposed legislation that would ban new drive-thru windows in the city. If enacted, the legislation would affect fast-food restaurants, banks and pharmacies. ... Harry Huntley, representing Ward 1, support[s] the legislation."



Annapolis Maritime Welcome Center still draws pointed questions

Ron Gunzburger, candidate for Alderman, spoke out at the Historic Annapolis/Ward One Residents Association joint public hearing, expressing concerns over the planned visitor center, the ballooning costs, and the significant financial impact this will have on residents for years to come - residents who are already paying nearly 25% more in city taxes than they did just seven years ago.



Here is why we support Ron...

Photo of Endorser

"I witnessed firsthand Ron's commitment to fostering community and his dedication to our shared Democratic values. He will ask the tough questions about fiscal responsibility and to push City Hall to be more responsive and effective. On a personal level, I have seen Ron’s ability to bring neighborhoods together for the common good. He actively engages with neighbors, organizing street cleanups, creating community flower gardens, and planning block parties. Ron's accessibility and genuine nature have helped create the kind of real community we all aspire to live in."

Joe Donahue, Community Activist,
Attorney & USNA '04

Photo of Endorser

"I have known Ron for at least 30 years, and personally know him to be hard-working, smart, and honorable. I had the opportunity to sit across from Ron several times during labor contract negotiations and he always had a real concern for the brothers and sisters in the rank and file. Ron reached across and worked with us to secure better working conditions, better wages, and better benefits for thousands of our members."

Dan Reynolds, President,
National Federation of Public Employees (AFL-CIO)

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people-powered campaign

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